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State: Gujarat
PIN code: 380016
City: Ahmedabad
District: Ahmadabad
Address: IKDRC-ITS Premises,
Address: Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa,
Phone: unknown
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
Speciality: Medical
Type: State Public University
Specialized: Yes
Year of establishment: 2015
Year when declared university: 2015
Area in acre: 2.33
Construct in sqmt: 16885
Girl exclusive: No
Staff quarter available: No
Student hostel available: No
Offers distance programme: No
Constituted from colleges: Yes
Has faculty regular courses: Yes
Has department regular courses: No
Has other regular_courses: No



  • Playground: Yes
    Auditorium: Yes
    Theatre: No
    Library: Yes
    Laboratory: Yes
    Conference hall: Yes
    Health center: Yes
    Gymnasium fitness center: Yes
    Indoor stadium: No
    Common room: Yes
    Computer center: Yes
    Cafeteria: Yes
    Guest house: No
    No of playgrounds: 1
    No of auditoriums: 1
    No of libraries: 1
    No of laboratories: 1
    No of conference halls: 1
    No of health centers: 1
    No of gymnasim fitness centers: 1
    No of common rooms: 1
    No of computer centers: 1
    No of cafeteria: 1
    Separate room for girls: No
    Solar power generation: No
    Connectivity nkn: No
    Connectivity nmeict: No
    No of books: 1079
    No of journals: 40
    Campus friendly: No
    Grievance redressal mechanism: No
    Vigilance cell: No
    Opportunity cell: No


  • Is accredited: No

Faculties and departments

  1. Faculty: Prof. Pankaj R. Shah / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department: Post Graduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
  2. Faculty: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Department: M. Sc. Nursing
  3. Faculty: Prof. Aruna V. Vanikar / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology

Faculty regular courses

  1. Faculty: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Department: M. Sc. Nursing
    Levell: Post Graduate
    Programme id: 117
    Programme: M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing
    Discipline: M.Sc. Nursing (Nephrology and Urology)
    Discipline group category: Medical Science
    Discipline group id: 72
    Discipline group: Nursing
    Intake: 8
    Admission criterion: State level Examination
    Duration year: 2
    Duration month: 0
    Type: General
    System: Annual
  2. Faculty: Prof. Aruna V. Vanikar / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Discipline group category: Medical Science
    Discipline group id: 153
    Discipline group: Lab Medicine
    Intake: 2
    Admission criterion: State level Examination
    Duration year: 2
    Duration month: 0
    Type: General
    System: Annual
  3. Faculty: Prof. Pankaj R. Shah / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department: Post Graduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline: Postgraduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Discipline group category: Medical Science
    Discipline group id: 157
    Discipline group: Nephrology
    Intake: 2
    Admission criterion: State level Examination
    Duration year: 2
    Duration month: 0
    Type: General
    System: Annual

Teaching staff details

  1. Designation: Director
    Grade pay: No entry is required
    Selection mode: Direct
  2. Faculty name: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Department name: M. Sc. Nursing
    Designation: Principal
    Grade pay: No entry is required
    Selection mode: Direct
  3. Faculty name: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Department name: M. Sc. Nursing
    Designation: Lecturer
    Grade pay: No entry is required
    Selection mode: Direct
  4. Faculty name: Prof. Aruna V. Vanikar / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department name: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Designation: Professor & Equivalent
    Grade pay: No entry is required
    Selection mode: Direct
  5. Faculty name: Prof. Pankaj R. Shah / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Department name: Post Graduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Designation: Professor & Equivalent
    Grade pay: No entry is required
    Selection mode: Direct

Teaching staff summary

  1. Designation: Principal
    In position direct: 1
    In position cas: 0
    No of phd teachers: 0
  2. Designation: Director
    In position direct: 1
    In position cas: 0
  3. Designation: Professor & Equivalent
    In position direct: 2
    In position cas: 0
    No of phd teachers: 1
  4. Designation: Lecturer
    In position direct: 2
    In position cas: 0
  5. Designation: ALL
    Sanctioned strength: 0
    In position direct: 6
    In position cas: 0
    No of phd teachers: 1

Student enrollment for regular courses

  1. Faculty name: Prof. Pankaj R. Shah / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 157
    Discipline group: Nephrology
    Discipline: Postgraduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Type: General
    Year: 1
    Total general total: 1
    Total general females: 1
  2. Faculty name: Prof. Pankaj R. Shah / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 157
    Discipline group: Nephrology
    Discipline: Postgraduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Type: General
    Year: 2
  3. Faculty name: Prof. Aruna V. Vanikar / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 153
    Discipline group: Lab Medicine
    Discipline: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Type: General
    Year: 1
    Total general total: 1
    Total general females: 1
  4. Faculty name: Prof. Aruna V. Vanikar / IKDRC-ITS School of Paramedical Science
    Levell: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 153
    Discipline group: Lab Medicine
    Discipline: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Type: General
    Year: 2
  5. Faculty name: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Levell: Post Graduate
    Programme id: 117
    Programme: M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing
    Discipline group id: 72
    Discipline group: Nursing
    Discipline: M.Sc. Nursing (Nephrology and Urology)
    Type: General
    Year: 1
    Total general total: 6
    Total general females: 6
  6. Faculty name: Mrs. Gladys D. Ranbhire / IKDRC COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Levell: Post Graduate
    Programme id: 117
    Programme: M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing
    Discipline group id: 72
    Discipline group: Nursing
    Discipline: M.Sc. Nursing (Nephrology and Urology)
    Type: General
    Year: 2

Examination results

  1. Survey year: 2015
    Course mode: Regular
    Course level: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 153
    Broad discipline group: Lab Medicine
    Discipline: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
    Passed female: 0
    Passed total: 0
    First class passed female: 0
    First class passed total: 0
  2. Survey year: 2015
    Course mode: Regular
    Course level: PG Diploma
    Programme id: 155
    Programme: PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma
    Discipline group id: 157
    Broad discipline group: Nephrology
    Discipline: Postgraduate Diploma in Dialysis Technology
    Passed female: 0
    Passed total: 0
    First class passed female: 0
    First class passed total: 0
  3. Survey year: 2015
    Course mode: Regular
    Course level: Post Graduate
    Programme id: 117
    Programme: M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing
    Discipline group id: 72
    Broad discipline group: Nursing
    Discipline: M.Sc. Nursing (Nephrology and Urology)
    Passed female: 0
    Passed total: 0
    First class passed female: 0
    First class passed total: 0
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